Friday, August 11, 2023

Post 65

 My muse is still being fickle. Wrote and put up the 2nd episode/chapter of the new vella story instead of working on Bone Whisperer. 

My T.L. books are out of Kindle Unlimited. Several accounts have been closed due to piracy and I don't want mine to be one. My books have timed out. My Tina books are staying on AMZ and KU for at least a while.

I am putting up my T.L. books up on Ingram Spark in October and going wide with them. Including BW and Emergent. Sharon has penciled me in then so they and BW will be transferred then. That way all my eggs are not in one basket, incase the basket gets snatched(terminated) I will keep you posted on that. 

There are now 16 chapters of Bone Whisperer WIP, A Playground of Bones, on Kindle Vella. I also have up 9 chapters of Emergent, the next book in the Time-Lost series.  Kindle Vella authors get bonuses for various things. I got a small bonus for June. I'm waiting to see what I get for July. Hopefully the bonus will be more as I have more reads. We'll see how it goes. If you want to check  out  Bone Whisperer Vella Bone  

I may fall behind in my queue since I'm now doing Vella but I'm going to try to publish at least one book next year. Probably BW or Emergent. Or maybe Book 3 of the Elemental Voice companion series. Or Book 5 of EV. I really don't know right now.

My box set to catch up on books 1-3 of Elemental Voice : Link

 Book 4 of Elemental Voice is back in KU.  If you want to check it out though  Link: Wind

 As of right now there are two novellas, a 'companion' series to EV, Deadly Sands and Deadly Flames. Right now I have the ideas for just three novellas, two of which are published as stated, but with my muse being so fickle who knows if more may come. The third novella is started but it is way down the queue right now. Book 5 of EV is slated to at least be started next year though.

You can check out the 4 books and 2 novellas I have out. I have put them back in KU at least for now. Here is the link to these books if you have not already checked them out. UF Books

They are set in a world where psychics consult regularly with the police and vampires live next door. The FMC Sara reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds dead bodies for the local sheriff's office in the first book then works with her vampire FBI agent fiance in the later books. There is to be five books in this series.  I may come back to this world and do a new series. Depends on my muse and time. I have soo many books in my writing queue.

I wrote a little drabble backstory of how Sara got her gift. Hope you enjoy it. Link: Drabble

 Have you checked out my website? All my major worlds and books in one place. Well, except for the new world I'm exploring in one of the two other novels I'm working on. Fickle muse. Here is the link to the website: The Rook.  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

These older books are in what I call 'movie style' or pulp. Fast paced and action oriented with little description and a lot of dialog. They are also my first books, full of my inexperience but also full of my creativity. I have left them as is. Sentimentality. The rest of the books will be in the same style.

I'll try to update periodically. But this blog may get dusty. And repetitive.


To join my email list, go here T. L.'s Grimoire When you sign up you will get a free short urban fantasy story that's a twist on Red Riding Hood. There's even a picture.  I will eventually do a newsletter. But that will take some learning from this computer illiterate person.


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