Sunday, October 2, 2022

Post 51

 Hootin An Hollarin was fun. And I had enough sales to pre-pay for next year.

Still working on Book 4 (Wind Whisperer) of Elemental Voice. It's tentatively scheduled to be pubbed January of next year. But my muse is fickle so who knows. 

If you haven't already please check out the 3 books and 2 novellas I have out of the Elemental Voice series. Here is the link to these books if you have not already checked them out. UF Books

They are set in a world where psychics consult regularly with the police and vampires live next door. The FMC Sara reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds dead bodies for the local sheriff's office. There is to be five books in this series. I may branch out to more books with these characters, but my muse hasn't said anything yet and if she does whether I will put them in the EV series or start a new series I don't know yet. 

I wrote a little drabble backstory of how Sara got her gift. Hope you enjoy it. Link: Drabble

I am also working on two other novels. As I said my muse is being fickle and is hopping around. Hopefully they will all be published in the new year.  

My new website is up and live. It's the home of my Ravens, my books, my messengers.  All my worlds and books in one place. Well, except for the new world I'm exploring in one of the two other novels I'm working on. Fickle muse. Here is the link to the website: The Rook.  Check it out and tour a world where psychics work regularly with the police and vampires live next door, a world where werewolves hide among us and can manipulate energy(magic), two worlds with dragons, and a world where a Time-Lost tries to stop the past from repeating itself.

There is also a 'companion' series to EV. Right now I have the ideas for just three books, but with my muse being so fickle who knows if more may come.

These older books are in what I call 'movie style' or pulp. Fast paced and action oriented with little description and a lot of dialog. They are also my first books, full of my inexperience but also full of my creativity. I have left them as is. Sentimentality. The rest of the books will be in the same style.

I'll try to update periodically. But this blog may get dusty. And repetitive.


To join my email list, go here T. L.'s Grimoire When you sign up you will get a free short fantasy story, i.e. a werewolf story. I will eventually do a newsletter. But that will take some learning from this computer illiterate person.

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