Monday, March 7, 2022

Post 36

 I'm working on my Ghostwolf Series right now as they are at the top of my queue. So the updating of this blog may be sporadic. 

However I usually have one or two other books open as well. When I get Writer's Block on the main story I go to my secondary/third books and work on it/them until I get unblocked. Right now I am working on two novellas and Deadly Waters(the third in the EV companion series) book bible as my Writer's Block stories. I'm hopping around as ideas for all of them have been flashing through my head. 

My Muse is fickle. So I never know what it's going to do. 

If you haven't already please check out the books I have out of the Elemental Voice series. 

At least the first book. It was as I say below the first book I wrote. 

And I'm partial to it. :) 

I added the backstory of how Sara got her gift to this blog under Pages. I scribbled it down before I wrote Earth Reader to get where she was coming from mentally and emotionally. I haven't touched it since I wrote it. Hope you enjoy it. Link: Drabble

Now on to the regularly scheduled post:

This is the blog for my elemental books. 

The main series is an Urban Fantasy called Elemental Voice. It is set in a world where psychics consult regularly with the police and vampires live next door. The FMC Sara reads the earth like a medium hears the dead and finds dead bodies for the police.

The first book is called Earth Reader. Fire Walker (book2) and Water Ferrier (book3) are out. Number 4 (Wind Whisperer) is in the works. There is to be five books in this series.

These older books are in what I call 'movie style' or pulp. Fast paced and action oriented with little description and a lot of dialog. They are also my first books, full of my inexperience but also full of my creativity. I have left them as is. Sentimentality. These series will be finished. However they are further down the queue. Unless someone can persuade me to make them jump the line. :)

There is also a 'companion' series to EV.

Deadly Sands is out and Deadly Flames is now out too. Book 3 of the trilogy is in the works. They go into the relationship a bit more and are set around vacations that turn into busman's holidays. Can her vampire FBI agent boyfriend keep her safe when death joins them on holiday?

I also have another book out. Mortal Voice is an Urban Fantasy set in the contemporary world circa 2018. So, sorry no vampires here, lol. But Jaci does have the same 'gift' as Sara. MV is the first book in a series of its own. This series has two more books to go. She sees secrets in the Earth. Will she find the evidence in time or is she destined for a grave herself?

Here is the link to these books if you have not already checked them out. UF Books


Visit my main blog at Blog *****

To join my email list, go here Grimoire When you sign up you will get a free short fantasy story of one of my many serials. I have several in the queue.

I have some books out under another name. These books have different styles. I've learned a bit and trying out new things and genres. If you are interested in checking them out, go here Books

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